Wednesday 25 July 2012



9/11 aliens, U.S Government or simply just the terrorist's?

9/11 conspiracy!!

We all know about the 9/11 incident..... But who was  in charge of the whole thing?
The U.S Government?
Who knows?
But there is a lot of controversy surrounding each and every one of these idea's.
Lets start with my favorite...... Aliens.
I know its a far fetched idea but lets be honest, these days it may well be, we dont have a clue what is going on within the government and society, are they hiding things from us that they dont want ordinary citizens to know..... maybe?
Lets admit it... a fair percentage of people believe in aliens these days, im not surprised there is alot of evidence saying there is ( but do not forget there is also "evidence claiming there is not) so lets look at the possibility of aliens being involved or actually being fully responsible for the whole thing.
I will be posting video's and my own opinion on this matter as i do not know much about it all :) 

In this video you can quite clearly see plenty of "orbs" flying around the buildings, they look quite weird and unexplained, at first, i just thought it was reflections of the buildings window but as you can see further on in the video you can see numerous of  these orbs flying quite close together all at once. 

Now.... this little clip is quite weird too, aliens or some mad Government "weapon" of some sort, could point to either direction really.... what do you think????

Supposedly this happened prior to the 9/11 attack... is it real or fake.... god knows but its a pretty good video.... tbh i think it is fake but it is one of the most talked about 9/11 alien videos.

So then, onto the government's involvement, i would like to start of by asking you to watch this video, it is not of the world trade centres but of the pentagon, im sure many of you may of heard about this already :) 
As you all know the Pentagon was also hit by an "aeroplane" or was it an aeroplane?
check this out.....

It looks nothing like an aeroplane does it?? 
NO CHANCE!!!! here is another video explaining it all...... watch it all!!

As you can see in the video, an airplane could not fit into the whole created by the blast on the pentagon.
Only once was the story about the pentagon being hit by an "airplane" was aired on t.v..... why?? whats different about the pentagon and the WTC.... nothing really, i think the pentagon is a much more important building then the WTC, it is the most protected building in the world, so why didn't it retaliate with missiles of some sort to take the "airplane" down before it even got close to the Pentagon? I believe if an airplane did hit the Pentagon then it would of coursed much more damage then what the Pentagon had received, in the video it shows insides of the building were not burned or damaged, you can see furniture, books and even a PC monitor fully intact with no damage what so ever, surely if it was an airplane it would cause catastrophic damage just as the WTC did. 

holographic planes? 

There is a crazy (but logical) theory out there claiming the WTC was rigged with explosives and hit with fake holographic planes and on impact of the planes hitting theWTC the explosives were detonated... lets see some video's :) 

Thsi is crazy isnt it!! as you can see before the plane even enters the building, a wing mysteriously disappears with out any explanation, it does not fall of nor does it seem to be on fire so there is no chance it exploded or burnt of in mid air.
Also as you can see, when the plane does "enter" the building there is no damage caused what so ever until the plane is almost all the way in and when the plane is in the building, it seems to cause an explosion more then a scattered effect you would think a plane would cause upon hitting a building at high speed, yes i do agree fuel from the plane could of caused the explosion but come on!! the plane doesnt even look real.

Here is the same footage but from another persons view, as you can clearly see once again.... a wing disappears but on the right side of the plane instead of the left wing in the other video.
I think all evidence points to a black operation run by the U.S Government... i may be wrong... but these videos are crazy!!


This video points to evidence that explosive were used to bring down the WTC7, i think it looks quite clear that there was some sort of explosive rigged to the building and it definitely looks like any other controlled detonation of a building being destroyed..... what do you think???

I honestly do not believe i have to write about the terrorist side of the story simply because the media have got us all thinking it was them and laying down all the blame on them.... it probably was them but with evidence and videos out there today there is alot of people to blame.

Reptilian Shapeshifters

LOL, grab your children and run for cover, today i am going to be talking about Reptilian Shapeshifters, a race of tall reptilian beings living among us and even (supposedly) running each and every government.

What are reptilian shapeshifters?
Who are the reptilian shapeshifters?
Why are they here?
 These are a few questions i will be going over on this post, not many people know about them..... I didn't until last year but when i did, it really freaked me out :) 

The story of reptilian beings is quite a large and well known world wide conspiracy theory, they speak all languages and are involved in all government and corporate decisions.
They are said to disguise them self's or actually shape shift into human form, where they live normal public lives in national importance.
Some say there a from a extraterrestrial origin and some say they are from earth, supposedly having developed before the primates and have secretly been running the planet from the start.

I first come across reptilian shapeshifters early last year and to be honest i thought it was one big joke, i did not believe it one bit and i am still quite skeptical about it all still, i begun by watching numerous videos i found on youtube and all across the internet, some of them are crazy, then i begun reading up about them, they are said to serve one sole purpose upon planet earth: they are sworn arch enemies of the "gray aliens" and may well be here as our last line of defense agaisnt this threat.

"The most outspoken proponent of the conspiracy theory that reptilian beings in disguise are actually running our planet is David Ickes, whose book "The Biggest Secret" reveals information like this:

Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brien, the mind controlled slave of the United States government for more than 25 years... She was sexually abused as a child and as an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book. Among them were the US Presidents, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and, most appallingly, George Bush, a major player in the Brotherhood, as my books and others have long exposed. It was Bush, a pedophile and serial killer, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly O'Brien, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind control programme known as Project Monarch."

The earliest reference i have come across dates back the 1934 in los angeles, a dude called G. Warren Shufelt had discovered subterranean labyrinths beneath the city of L.A using "radio x-ray" 

S know im going to post a few videos, dont be surprised if you see most of them if all of them are famous!! 

If you want to knwo more about Reptilian shapeshifters, just simply google it!!! plenty of pictures, videos and stories!! 

Monday 23 July 2012

evidence of ghosts

i understand people have varied opinions when it comes to "ghosts", some are strong believers, some don't believe what so ever and some dont know what to believe, they want to believe but they need strong evidence to do so, here i am going to post a few videos and a few of my own opinions on what we are going to see, leave comments and let me know what you think!!

First of all i want you to see this picture, it is of the Hampton court ghost, some believe it is king Henry the 8th, you can find the actual footage of it on youtube, it lasts for one minute and is actual cctv footage.
Alot of people claim that this is an hoax, im not to sure.... just wanted to know what people of the public actually think about this.

This video was caught by ghost hunters (taps), the speed and movement of this "ghost" is rather extraordinary and quite unexplainable, you have to look closely to see this but once you have seen it, i guarantee you play it back numerous of times to try and figure out what on earth it is :) ghost hunters tried to re-enact the movement of this but got no where near close. what do you think??

Alot of people think you can see "ghosts" by seeing what is called an orb, orbs are believed to be ghosts in the form of balls of light. They are life forms that travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a pysical body here on earth, others just dismiss them as dust particles or some thing non-paranormal, im not entirely sure what they are myself even though i have witnessed a few while on ghost hunts with my paranormal investigation team, here is a few pictures of orbs :) enjoy.

As you can see, "orbs" are very hard to explain, they most certainly can be just simply dust particles some may not be, who knows?? search for "orbs" or "ghost orbs" and see what you can find....... what is your opinion on them..... dust particles?? or paranormal? you decide. 

Im going to finish of this little blog by posting a few videos which my paranormal investigation team (spookhunters) have recorded, you can hear some evp's see and see some weird things :) hope you like them. Remember check out our web page!! for information, upcoming events and even check out some of the team members :) :) :
This is just a few of our recordings, if you want to check more out, simply type in spookhunters coventry into youtube and a whole lot of them will come up, we have investigated a number of places in coventry including the golden cross pub.... the oldest pub in coventry dating back to the 15th century!! thank you for reading this blog, more and more ghosts alien/ufos, conspiracy stories, videos and picture will be up soon!! :) 

Hi there guys,

This blog page is all about conspiracies, the paranormal, aliens and much much more.
Over time you will find stories from all around the world regarding the above, i have been interested in the paranormal for a very long time and i am a part of a paranormal investigation team called Spookhunters (visit our page!!, there you will find upcoming events and information about the team!!) and joining this team made me realize there is much more out there rather then just "ghosts", i will be posting videos, pictures and articles about our investigations around Coventry and other places. my first few blogs will be about the paranormal then i will move onto conspiracies and aliens.
So....... watch this space for upcoming stories and share with your friends!!